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Nurturing Earth-Centered Spirituality in Homeschooled Children

  In our homeschool, we aim to teach our kids to love and care for the Earth. We use fun activities and lessons to help our youngest family members learn to take care of our planet. Learning in Nature We believe that nature is the best classroom. We take our kids outside to learn from the world around them, turning lessons into exciting adventures. Exploration:  We let kids explore nature by going on guided walks and looking for things in nature. Observation:  We teach kids to notice the small details in life, like how a butterfly grows or how the moon changes shape. Conservation:  We teach kids to take care of the Earth by doing things like making crafts from recycled materials and gardening together. Special Ceremonies and Parties We include simple ceremonies in our lessons to help children feel the rhythm of nature and see how it connects to their lives. Make a  seasonal altar  to celebrate the different times of the year and learn about Earth's cycles. Join in  tree planting ce

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